Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. -Blaise Pascal Transformation happens when we are not in charge. It can’t happen when we are holding on to control. Sometimes we need to be shaken loose from our foundations in order to be open for something bigger. This is the space where a new reality can …
Punk Rock Nowhere
Shutting the gate. :( Recorded on July 15, 2009
10:57 I see. You tried baby. BMF wrote this on September 26, 2009 ❤️💀❤️ #57bmf4ever It’s been one of those days. Devil Girl got to the new place and the Hunns are on the wall. I might show them off later. I found myself bawling at a red light listening to “Stay” over and over thinking of you today. I miss …
Love Coup D`Etat What we are watching is an attempted coup d`etat of the duly elected President of the United States. If this succeeds America as we have known it it’s finished. Bill Smith Check this out:
In love with a dead man.
#57bmf4ever This is never going to end. Ouch.
Happy Birthday Jammer #57
I can’t believe how much I miss you. #57bmf4ever ❤️💀❤️