Another Big Brother in the books. Paul lost! ❤️️☠️❤️️
This says it all. I thought Josh was stupid to take Paul to final 2, but he ended up being right. Cody cast the final blow to Paul and won America’s favorite player to top it off. How you like that Paul? Thanks BB19 for this fun distraction. Looking forward to Celebrity BB next!
The total solar eclipse has begun. It took 99 years. Don’t go blind. Totality! Bats shall fly!
A solar eclipse is coming to America. Here’s what you’ll see where you live. Punk Rock House is 60 miles away from total eclipse. NASA Eclipse Coverage
BMF LOVED MISS CHICKY. Why did you have to go baby?
This song “The Man Comes Around” was written entirely by Johnny Cash not long before his death. It was one of Jeff’s most favorite songs and he had asked The Unsatisfied to cover it for his birthday party in 2010. They did a beautiful job. You can run on for a long time but sooner …
A Saturday at the Punk Rock House
Tweaking the Unsatisfied and watching for potential riots in Bawston, wishing they wouldn’t fuck up the landscape and statuary, wondering what Trump is up to, about to fix some hamburger soup, sitting at a level 9.73 and just started watching “Fight Club” with a side of Big Brother 19(which stinks now Cody is gone). And …