Tag: punk rock

wow. what a line up


second go around…better….i like it..i can work with this and make it something cool in the end.

I always liked painting abstractly and then adding more and more until the end result was something different and cool. This is the first phase….I like it already. As I add more it will create a ‘kaliedascopy’ type of effect…..and once I have the ‘finish’ how i like it I can add the middle stecil in the middle or maybe just a corner of each side to sit on top of the crazy finish…..or…it may be cool to add the stencil half way through and layer just enough on to see the highlights of what it is….probably a different shade of yellow

classic henry ragin’ on the stage with black flag

I’ve painted the base….added stencils; I have changed the layout and templates three times so far. I ‘like’“ (kinda on minute and no the next minute) the ‘grafitti’ look of the over/under spray on the symbols but they just aren’t sitting right with me. I am thinking I definately like the middle stencil. For sure. Maybe a different stencil color and maybe if i slather on a thick coat of paint with a brush I would like it better; see’in’s how the last two boxes I made I used the same stencil applying techniches. Or…maybe resize the end stencils smaller. hmmmmm…..i’m leaning towards painting the base like i have the other ones….

note to self: i still like the idea of spray painting the wood,,,,but next time I will have to really finish sand the wood all the way down to like a 1600 paper beginning with 320 and working down.

And………..the other boxes…..I probably went through 5 different ideas and schemes before I just said FUCK IT and came up with what I did…which I really ended up liking completly.

A really good site with pdf’s of old punk rock ‘zines…another one is here.


Awesome video of a new story, affiliated with then anchor Tom Snyder’s anchor. Great footage of other bands other than Black Flag, who drummer Chuck Dukowski gave a sit down interview. (Was he the drummer?)

centered horizontally but not vertically. I’ll either make it work or re/do it. the blotches will be solid soon, but some parts will be left alone, as you can see glimpses of the original test skulls i sprayed on first and then painted (painting) over slowly to get  as solid as I can, since it is pine wood and spray paint I doubt it will ever be like the others, but it’s not supposed to be like those. I layed a gun down on the end and went over with gloss blk…

GG Allin