Author: BMF

superseventies: “Van Halen: David Lee Roth in the ‘Runnin’ With the Devil’ clip, 1977/78, ”


Van Halen: David Lee Roth in the ‘Runnin’ With the Devil’ clip, 1977/78,

Damn you. You stole my idea. If I can’t run it then I will probably be your best customer. See you every Tuesday as soon as you open.

Sunbrimmer Records, Avondale Estates, Georgia


(Source: inalcancavel)

Does anyone have a clue to who sings this song and what the title is? I think it is called “I’m Alive” but am not completely sure. Help ….it is driving me crazy.

Clue: It was on a cassette tape I made in 1994

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Help identify who sings this song / Attention Metal fans

I found this song on an old cassette tape I had made back in 1994 with “I’m alive” written in as the title. I can’t figure out who sings it and it is driving me crazy. Please give it a listen at the link below and let me know if you have any idea who…



Lou Reed dispels rumors of his death on SNL – May 12th, 2001

(Source: oh-whiskers)

superblackmarket: Iggy Pop and Lou Reed photographed by Danny Fields, 1973

victorfranko: Back when music videos meant something… The Doors – Five To One 1968

Zach Green

Zach Green – I don’t care / original song. / original singer/songwriter For more info to to