Tag: polyurethane

This is with one more spraying of the poly in the can over all surfaces. All that is left is the bottom and the top edges (darken), and a set of cool drawer pulls for the handles of the lid to pull it off to box. I like it.

i just finished putting the second coat on the inside of the box. (note: that cheap bristle brush package of red handled brushes from the dollar store have great qualities that some expensive brushes do not have). I tried to put it on thick, even and fast. I turned it around 360/d, twice to try to see any runs or missed spots. There is one spot on one side that has a black streak horizontally but if it ends up showing it is cool with me. I am thinking about putting a little rectangular sex pistols / pretty vacant sticker on the middle of the bottom of it while the paint is still wet. I will get the opinion of mc first. I have really enjoyed this day/night with you. i love you.

I’ve painted the base….added stencils; I have changed the layout and templates three times so far. I ‘like’“ (kinda on minute and no the next minute) the ‘grafitti’ look of the over/under spray on the symbols but they just aren’t sitting right with me. I am thinking I definately like the middle stencil. For sure. Maybe a different stencil color and maybe if i slather on a thick coat of paint with a brush I would like it better; see’in’s how the last two boxes I made I used the same stencil applying techniches. Or…maybe resize the end stencils smaller. hmmmmm…..i’m leaning towards painting the base like i have the other ones….

note to self: i still like the idea of spray painting the wood,,,,but next time I will have to really finish sand the wood all the way down to like a 1600 paper beginning with 320 and working down.

And………..the other boxes…..I probably went through 5 different ideas and schemes before I just said FUCK IT and came up with what I did…which I really ended up liking completly.

i hate/love love/hate feeling like this….my honey is in bed…i’m awake, wasted, feeling good…if i were a normal person m y ass would be in bed but…hmm…ok…15 more min. another smoke and shed check of box drying

I don’t care what you say….I don’t care what you say……..I’ve got no values…..oops sorry I began sing a song in my head when I saw this….do you know who it is?
Anyways….Boxes 2 and three are nearing completion. Just when I think I am done I am not done. I keep seeing little details that I have to fix or add each time I look at a new angle. I’m sure I will suffer a little tomorrow from being up so late tonight and not getting much sleep this week but I don’t care—-what you say…—-oops that song keeps coming in my brain. I’ve added coat after coat of poly…hoping for one big run (i have a story about the “one big run” theory of painting for a later post)….MC is tired and I am too….we have really maxed out this week….but I almost think that maybe the less sleep is giving me more energy to stay up late. We began or lives together late late night….sleep late…stay up late…I’m not sure why and I don’t care..—almost began singing again—-I don’t care though…I feel like I feel…..if I crash later it was worth the fun and enjoyment I’ve had this week alone with MC and playing around together.
I love you honey bunny. It is 10 to 1. I want to go back out and detail some more details and I also want to take you to bed and snuggle with you. I WILL be snuggling with you soon. I am going to FINISH these boxes tonight so I can STAY INSIDE with you this weekend.

Soaked in poly. Trying for perfection. One big run. I think i’ll have a couple to say the least. Waterproofingyeah thats why so much. Or poly obsesstion