Showing: 141 - 150 of 387 RESULTS
MusicFilter Punk Rock House Punk Rock Life Punk Rock Music

Let music do the talking. Aerosmith on the turntable. Aerosmith, circa 1985 chronic tea Higher Than You! Ha! I love you baby and miss you so damn bad. We had fun, I miss our fun. ~mc 4/3/17  

MusicFilter Punk Rock House Punk Rock Life Punk Rock Music

The story and reasons behind Pussy Galore.

chronic tea Higher Than You! Oh Goldfinger… James Bond: Who are you? Pussy Galore: my name is Pussy Galore. James Bond: I must be dreaming.. Dial M for Motherfucker. Playing it all day long. 7 January 2012  29 April 2017 – love to hear your giggle again today. Miss you. 💋💕🤘🏻❣️ ~mc