Ok I have been watching BB19 sorta kinda but it got boring once Cody was booted. Now he’s back and he just said he’s going BALLS TO THE WALL! This a favorite saying of ours for a long time. Woooooo! Of course Cody said it to a guy in a yellow tutu while sitting on …
Baby I miss you. My head feels tight all the time now.
Johnny Rotten aka White Walker
Johnny Rotten. Still the coolest dog on the planet. 14.5 years old. Though he went blind about four years ago and sleeps a lot more now he’s still a tough little guy. Every time I think he’s down and out he pops back up and barks fuck you. 💕❤️💕
I’m Crying. Punk Rock Life without BMF.
I’m crying for the mother who lost her only son, I’m crying for the father who lost his baby child, I’m crying for the sister who lost her loving man, I’m crying for the brother who couldn’t see the light, I’m crying, I’m crying, I’m crying. ~Lucinda
BetseyVilla Zihuatanejo-Guerrero
Christmas bound – will be missing you every moment my love. ❤️
Perfectenschlag Flashback
Pain, Life, Death, Living
Dallas Buyers Club
Watching this today versus 2013 is mind boggling. Fuck fuck fuck pancreatic cancer. Sorry lady, I prefer to die with my boots on. Fuck you! You don’t give AZT to a person with a broken immune system. It’s toxic. You don’t give chemotherapy to a man with a broken immune system and tell him he’s …
Big Brother 19 Candy Crusher
Here’s the story of the first real BB19 elimination. As we know Christmas and Allison are on the block. Cody and Jessica have pretty much isolated themselves away in the HOH room but have come out enough to rally the “uncool” kids to be on their side to vote out Christmas. They were feeling pretty …
Big Brother 19 -Twist of Foot
Christmas has fallen and she can’t get up. Aw Naw. Christmas apparently jumps on the Cowboy Clown every morning for a horse ride. The clown slipped on the astro turf and fell on her ankle. Oops, she’s hurt and they take her for x-rays. Funny though how none of the other house guests seem very …
Big Brother 19 Christmas Reigns Hell!
The next four days are going to be good. The Veto ceremony summary: Cody is the HOH. He originally nominated Allison and Megan with the idea he would backdoor Paul. Then Megan self evicted. So he had to nominate another and he picked Alex. Alex won the POV. OK Cody still wants to backdoor Paul. But Paul accepted the Power of …